Trezor Suite App (Official)

Discover how to set up your Trezor wallet securely with our easy-to-follow guide at Start protecting your cryptocurrencies today

Step 1: Visit

Navigate to on your web browser. This official Trezor page provides comprehensive instructions and links to download the Trezor Suite app for your operating system.

Step 2: Download and Install Trezor Suite App

Click on the download link provided on corresponding to your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). Follow the installation instructions to set up the Trezor Suite app on your computer.

Step 3: Launch Trezor Suite App

Once installed, launch the Trezor Suite app on your computer. The app will guide you through the setup process for your Trezor hardware wallet.

Step 4: Connect Your Trezor Hardware Wallet

Use the USB cable provided with your Trezor device to connect it to your computer. Ensure the connection is secure and wait for the Trezor Suite app to detect your device.

Step 5: Initialize Your Trezor Hardware Wallet

Follow the on-screen instructions in the Trezor Suite app to initialize your Trezor hardware wallet. This typically involves setting a PIN code and backing up your recovery seed.

Step 6: Create a Secure PIN

Set a secure PIN code for your Trezor device using the Trezor Suite app. Make sure to choose a PIN that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Step 7: Backup Your Recovery Seed

During setup, you will be prompted to write down your recovery seed (also known as seed phrase). This is crucial for recovering access to your funds in case your Trezor device is lost, stolen, or damaged. Follow the app's instructions carefully and store your recovery seed in a safe place.

Step 8: Confirm Your Recovery Seed

After writing down your recovery seed, the Trezor Suite app will ask you to confirm it by entering specific words from your recovery seed in the correct order. This ensures that you have correctly noted down your recovery seed.

Step 9: Explore Trezor Suite Features

Once setup is complete, take some time to explore the features of the Trezor Suite app. You can manage your crypto assets, track portfolios, exchange cryptocurrencies, and more directly from the app interface.

Step 10: Secure Your Trezor Device

After setup, always keep your Trezor device and recovery seed in a safe place. Avoid sharing your PIN or recovery seed with anyone and beware of phishing attempts.

By following these steps from and using the Trezor Suite app, you can securely set up and manage your Trezor hardware wallet for storing your cryptocurrencies

Last updated